I went to the park on Friday and aside from enjoying Howl-O-Scream, I was also looking around for work going on in preparation for Christmas Town. Here are a few pictures I took:
I can’t confirm that this fence is specifically for use during Christmas Town, but it’s screwed into the sidewalk, so it probably isn’t going anywhere anytime soon.
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It looked like there was some type of generator being stored here (there was a bench here previously).
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These cables go across Ireland and can be seen in parts of New France and Oktoberfest.
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I’m thinking that this will be the location for the penguin and wildlife conservation merch that is likely to be in the park along side the penguin attraction.
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And here are some pictures of the Christmas lights on the buildings in New France.
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If you have any information or pictures you’d like to share or questions you’d like to ask about Christmas Town feel free to visit our FORUMS.