I’ve heard of a report of some type of injury at Howl-O-Scream last night involving a middle-aged woman likely going through Cursed. Apparently staff worked quickly and were able to stabilize and move the guest into an ambulance with the aid of medical personnel. It’s unclear what type of injury was sustained, but Cursed does have prolonged strobe effects so there is some speculation that it could have been a seizure.
Personally, I can’t think of any other injury that could be sustained while going through a maze that would require a stretcher other than a seizure or perhaps fainting. The park does make clear that there are effects in use in the mazes that people with certain medical conditions should not subject themselves to. Obviously it’s unclear what, if any, condition the guest had. I’ve personally seen a medical emergency take place in Busch Gardens and the staff seemed competent and quick acting during that incident.
If you have any information about what happened, feel free to leave a comment.