Thanks to one of our regular contributors, Nora, we now have a better understanding of the scope of construction that will be taking place soon for the expansion of Oktoberfest and addition of the drop tower.
[singlepic id=1699 w=320 h=240 float=center]
This image shows the locations of markings as noted by their numbers. “X” represents locations where it has been visually confirmed that surveying has happened. As you can see, the markings show a rather large area encompassing both Katapult and the swings with the third marking at the center of the currently located markings. It is not clear what this means for the future of the swings but, as pointed out by Nora, the park made recent enhancements to the swings so it is not likely they will be removed. Furthermore, many may not remember that the swings were at one point in the location Katapult currently resides. Perhaps they will be moving back to their old location to open up a large area.
Here are the pictures of markings 1 & 2:
[singlepic id=1700 w=320 h=240 float=center]
[singlepic id=1701 w=320 h=240 float=center]
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