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Howl-O-Scream 2012 Update
By Zachary Posted in Featured on September 4, 2012 0 Comments 6 min read
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I know, I’ve done it again. This update was supposed to go up on Saturday but things came up, my time to do anything with the site was taken away, and, well, life got in the way. Again. The good news is that I managed to get back to the park for a second time over the holiday weekend to get some more pictures- some of which you won’t see anywhere else. Pictures of Root of All Evil construction? We got ’em. Celtic Fyre’s set in pieces? Yup, we managed to get our hands on those too. Enjoy!
UPDATE: It’s worth noting that within a few minutes of this post going up, we were alerted to the fact that the park has updated the official Howl-O-Scream site with confirmation of Root of All Evil, Night Beats, Open Casket, and more. Our official list of Howl-O-Scream attractions has been updated to match the new releases. The list can be found here.
Work is visible on all of the park’s houses except for Deadline. From Thirteen’s queue construction to the building going up for Root of All Evil, there was a ton happening over the weekend.


Europe in the Air has been closed for a little over a week now and I imagine there’s plenty going on in there, but, because of its location, we can’t see any work on the house itself. Luckily, we can see progress though. The extended queue for Thirteen has begun to take shape in the England parking lot (the bus lot for those of you who don’t know the lots by name). Pictures of both the queue work and the front side of Europe in the Air can be found below.



Like Thirteen, there isn’t much visible theming work to be seen but there’s still signs of progress visible. Most (if not all) of Catacombs’s walls are piled outside the house’s entrance and the small snack shop that is used during the summer concerts has been themed to match Catacombs theme.


Root of All Evil

Though this house still hasn’t been officially confirmed, everyone on the inside seems to agree it’s coming. Additionally, the construction that we can see from the train matches up with all of the rumors about the house (location, theme, etc.). For those of you who haven’t been keeping up with the rumors, Root of All Evil is supposed to be a house themed to the Lady of the Gardens. The story goes that you’re taking a tour of the park’s greenhouses when suddenly the Lady of the Gardens takes control and things start to go wrong. Expect lots of plants. Anyway, pictures of the house can be found below.



Not much has changed here since the last update, but I got some better pictures this time around.


Fear Fair

Because of Fear Fair’s location, there’s always plenty of work to be seen. Everything looks about the same as last year from afar. I wonder what changes we’ll see on opening day. Anyway, enjoy the pictures.



Sadly, there was zero work done to the outside of Deadline this weekend. Maybe we’ll see something up next weekend?
Not a ton of work is visible around the different hamlets in the park but I imagine now that the park is closed during the week, we should see work pick up quite nicely. Can’t wait to see what things look like next weekend. Anyway, I’ve included pictures of the areas that do have some work done below.


Pumpkins. Tons, and tons of pumpkins. In the past there have been times when the park shoves a bunch of the same thing into an area and it comes out looking cheap and sloppy (I’m looking at you Polar Pathway). Not this time. I actually love how the pumpkins and vines look hanging in the trees over Scotland. Great job Busch Gardens.



Not much to see here, but there are a few details here and there I figured I should snap a picture of.



Rhinefield was defiantly the country with the most progress as of Sunday. Red fabric is everywhere and the 50% off shop is full of old Howl-O-Scream merchandise.



How did we get Fiends pictures you ask? Isn’t it locked behind closed doors at the Abbeystone you say? Well, this, Busch Gardens, is what happens when you leave doors open. Sometimes someone with a fancy camera just happens to be walking by. Anyway, enjoy the three blurry pictures of Celtic Fyre’s set being disassembled. This is one of those things that we’ll probably never get a chance to see again. Enjoy!


Night Beats

The show formally rumored to be named Nocturnal has been given an official name: Night Beats. This, for anyone who doesn’t know, is the vampire show taking Entwined’s place in Das Festhaus for Howl-O-Scream 2012. Very little work has been done as of yet, but the fabric around the ceiling has been swapped out to match the vampire theme.


Dig it Up

Nothing to be seen here as of yet. Mix it Up’s set is still identical as it was earlier in the year.
[dropcap2]Everything Else[/dropcap2]
Open Casket work, pictures from the bridge, and a bunch of other odds and ends can be found below. I know this post is sorta messy, but it’ll have to do.

San Marco/Oktoberfest Bridge

Ah, the San Marco/Oktoberfest bridge. This has become a tradition of sorts for the park. Before every major event they always decorate the bridge early as a preview of sorts. If the rest of the park is anywhere near as detailed as the bridge is this year, the park has a winner on its hands. It looks really, really great.


Open Casket

The bar coming to Oktoberfest has begun to take shape as well. Not much more to say on this one.

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