2015 Operating Schedule Released
Several weeks ago, Busch Gardens Williamsburg (BGW) released their 2015 operating schedule to the eager masses of future vacation-planners. But the initial reactions to the new hours for the park’s upcoming 40th anniversary season have been less than favorable. Busch Gardens has, unfortunately, been subjected to major budget cuts due to ever-increasing financial troubles throughout […]
Tempesto Construction Update #6
It’s time for another Tempesto Construction update! If you missed the last one it can be viewed here. Because the park is now closed till sometime in March, this will most likely be the last in-park Tempesto construction update for a while. Over the last couple weeks, Tempesto has been growing like a weed. On the 31st alone, […]
Tempesto Construction Update #5
Well, it’s probably long over-due, but it’s time for another Tempesto construction update! If you missed our previous construction update, you can check it out here. If you have visited the park recently, you’ve probably noticed that the skyline is changing rapidly as Tempesto quickly rises. Construction thus far has primarily been focused on the two tower structures […]
What do you think of when someone mentions Busch Gardens? Is it the rides and roller coasters? The food? The shows? All of the above? Have you ever thought about the trees, flowers or shrubs? Busch Gardens Williamsburg (BGW) is the perennial winner of countless awards for beauty and landscaping. You’ve probably seen around the […]
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