Tempesto Construction Update #3
Previous BGW Loses Its Noggin; Cuts Severed Heads from Howl-O-Scream
[iconbox title=”Previous Tempesto Update” icon=”info”]If you missed our September 6th update, you can check it out here![/iconbox]
First off, I guess I should point this out so the title makes a bit more sense to everyone…
That’s right! According to the information given to employees at a recent staff event, BGWFans was correct in our assumption that Diavolo was a SEAS codename. Better yet, as our tweet above was the first to confirm, the official name for Busch Gardens Williamsburg’s new roller coaster is… Tempesto!
Anyway, with that out of the way…
It’s time for another Project 2015 Tempesto photo update! Today’s pictures come courtesy Luke (follow him on Instagram!), and Evan (check out his work on KDFans.com!). Thanks a ton to both of them for grabbing some pictures for us to share with you all today!
The biggest changes since our last update are that terraforming seems to be nearly done and piledriving has begun to prepare for footer installation! Before we get into close-up shots of some of that though, lets start things off with a nice overview of the site…
Construction Panorama
Full Construction Site Panorama (9/21/2014)
Pile Driving
What’s this peaking over the construction fence…?
Ah! A pile driver!
And as you can see, it’s driving piles.
And appears to have been doing so for a while now…
A few more new piles towards Apollo’s extended queue pavilion.
There have even been some piles driven back towards Roman Rapids already to prepare for the footers going in on that side.
General Site Pictures
An overview of the site looking towards the Coke Market from the parking lot side of Apollo
A bit of a different angle on the Coke Market side of the construction site
Looking towards the old Splashus Maximus area
Bit of a closer look at the same area from a different angle. Note the back side of the construction fence
The door below Jumpin’ Jupiter Arcade is open today. Wonder what’s going on under there
A closer look at the backside of the Coke Market
Here’s a shot looking across the site from Apollo’s queue towards Roman Rapids
Rotating further we see Apollo’s final hills and some of the access roads that have been set up below Apollo’s lift
Here we can see where the construction road branches off towards the parking lots
And then the other end which heads off towards Roman Rapids
You can stay up to date with Project 2015 Tempesto and everything else happening at Busch Gardens Williamsburg by following us on Twitter and liking us on Facebook. I’d recommend following along with our incredibly active forum as well, here. Stay tuned for more Tempesto news soon!